Life of a small gal...

Life of a small gal consists of happiness,sadness,confusion,frustration and craziness...=)

Monday, July 24, 2006

There r certainly those times when u obviously noe this person is lying by his tone and expression,yet there r nothing u could do. Forcing the truth to reveal will only hurt both of you. Yet human beings like myself will want to hear the fact even though i knew it in my heart.

The feeling of helplessness was engulfing me...
n so does the feeling of loneliness and sadness now...

Maybe there r realli times when everyone need a bit of quietness and peace, to pack ourselves and go on again...

Sometimes we will refuse to do what is gd for us even though we know its gd...
tts y demons can success even though they onli have the weapon named lying...
our faith will be tested and can be tested..

It feels great to lie on that broad shoulder just after exercise, in an air-conditioned place where the sunshine spread all over me...
i have the feeling tt i own the World..
my World or should i say our World..
with He as the centre..

"I am a child of God
No i won't deny it
No i won't deny it"

"I could sing of your love forever..."

nowadays heart so weak...
Will i stand the repeating "heart attack"?

random thought:donno abt guys...but i pity girls...or should i say women?


Blogger kimmin said...

yupyup. hate ppl who lies. though i do sometimes =/ oh my. i m contradicting myself. =X

10:25 AM  

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