Life of a small gal...

Life of a small gal consists of happiness,sadness,confusion,frustration and craziness...=)

Sunday, June 18, 2006

r u ready for a long journey?

i have been reading my diary since yesterday...
i read e first half of it last night and e second half shows a clear difference in thinking n feeling abt everyday's life....

"let bygones be bygones!i dont' like to see people to be sad.WOrse is that they pretend like nothing has happened and pretend to be truely happy."

this forwarded msg inside has reminded me lots of misery memory....i just hate to be lied by e others...n whats ur right to ask me those things now?haiz....emotions r taking control of me....

hmmm...after reading it,i have a fresher mind...

i have learnt lots of thing through experiencing things...this is growing process...
n i believe every human being is given equal amount of happiness and challenges in life....but what makes ppl different is e way they take things....some ppl try to search for happiness and treasure it....they ll use these happiness to balance e sadness and even outnumber them...their life is brightened...
well...sometimes when im upset,i ll tend to have negative mind and tend to think things in a bad way.While i have learnt tt different mind ll make e same things feel differently,so i tried to set my mind back to a positive way whenever im upset...hope i could master tt in e near future=) think abt it,after such a long time,i have not quarrelled severly wif u even for once...this s great.some may say tt quarrelling makes ppl closer...but not all e times,isnt it?there r so many more important things in life tt worth our attention and energy...n we ll stay as support for each other,wont we?
to think abt it,i have not tt much strong emotions towards things nowadays...but isnt it a sign of maturity?n this is more precious bah...e v true feeling does not need to be strong but pure...thinking of u in any time,staying wif u without much words is comfortable as well...

love is something imaginery...all love ll decolorised after times,when tt time comes,we ll wonder have we ever had love towards this person e more important and hence precious thing is we feel happy and comfortable wif this person s presence...tts when e time u can realise u two has actualli become one person literally,u understand this person so much and u r so used to his presence tt u cant be separated....

one ll tend to grow more mature when he or she experienced more no longer a girl who ll think i ll be wif this person forever for sure....but i do hope so....but everything depends on how we treat it....
its going to be a long journey,r u ready?


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