Life of a small gal...

Life of a small gal consists of happiness,sadness,confusion,frustration and craziness...=)

Friday, January 05, 2007


As I was reading the article in the issues and ideas on the title of"The Rape Of Nanking",i feel so heavy inside...
its a full 6 n half pages article..
i took some time read it..n of course i was absorbed in it.

In this centuary, we could merely imgaine or even thought about such atrocities,however, it did happened...
so lucky i was not born during tt time.

once heard from a teacher who had travelled to Germany and saw photos of the World War two placed in the first storey of a building, Germans understand the need to repent and always remind themselves of e painful history..
However, Japanese dont...

learnt something from e article tt sounds interesting...
it says:
"Other experts blame the non-christian nature of Janpanese religion,claiming that while christianity puts forth the idea that all humans are brothers-indeed,that all things were created in God's image. Citing such differences,these experts have concluded that some cultures,however sophisticated they become,remain at their core tribal,in that the obligations the individual owes to others within the tribe are very different from those owed to outsiders."

God is a gd God=)

"...because moral obligations in Japanese society were not universal but local and particularized,they could be easily broken on foreign soil."

n there are still many descriptions on the massacre took place in Nanking...

didnt realliread such kinds of article for long time...

i still have 6 articles to read n do AQT.T
so sad.....


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